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Humanitarian Work
Almost every year since 2018 we travel to San Miguel Mexico with the Texas Podiatric Medical Foundation and assisted them in the amazing work they do among the people there. While the doctors were evaluating patients in their examination rooms we had a small team of FM employees dispensing prefabricated orthotics for the patients as prescribed by the doctors.
Over the 4 years our team custom molded over 750 pairs of our 724 heat moldable orthotics, dispensed 1,250+ pairs soft top diabetics and dozens of children's UCBLs style orthotics to patients from all walks of life.
After all the service rendered, products donated, and time spent among these amazing people we truly believe that we benefited the most from this amazing experience. The world is an amazing place full of amazing people. We feel blessed to be able to provide help to those who need it, in any degree possible.
The experiences shared with the people of San Miguel have enriched our perspective of the world, highlighting the innate goodness and resilience present in every corner. We consider ourselves fortunate to have been able to extend our support to those in need, affirming our belief that lending a helping hand knows no bounds. This ongoing journey continues to inspire us to explore ways in which we can make meaningful contributions and positive change.

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